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The World of the Vikings

Step into a Viking King’s grave

in the year 925 a Viking king was buried here in his warship. Vikingemuseet Ladby tells the story of the kings of the past and life in the world of the Vikings.

Is Ladbykongen Denmark’s first king?
On DR.DK you can go hunting for traces of Denmark’s first king. See the entire program HERE.

Opening hours

Tuesday – Sunday
10 am – 4 pm

Buy tickets

Adults 125 kr. | Children Free


Vikingevej 123, 5300 Kerteminde

Experiences at the museum

The Ladby King's world

Immerse yourself in a tale of the heathen princes of the Viking Age – their daily lives, residence, death, and religion.

The Ship Grave

Step into the darkness and experience The Ladby King’s ship grave. See Denmark’s only Viking ship grave with the Ladby ship.


King and Warrior

Power had to be staged, even in death. Experience the grave gifts from The Ladby King’s ship grave and the Warrior-Prince grave Rosenlund.

Holiday activities for the whole family

The Viking Museum Ladby offers exciting activities from the The Ladby King’s Viking Age during the school holidays all year round.


Step inside the cozy museum shop and explore an abundance of Viking related items.

Statements from the museum


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