Landscape of the Ladby King
Follow along as a new landscape takes shape.
In the years 2024-2027, we will be creating a new landscape around the burial mound. The new landscape is designed to convey the history of the site, evoke the Viking Age landscape, provide space for movement, increase biodiversity and climate-proof the cultural heritage.
The project “The Landscape of the Ladby King” is supported by the Nordea Foundation.
Examples of initiatives:
- The circular shape of the burial mound will be restored and marked with poles and boundary stones.
- Sheep will be used to maintain the landscape and increase biodiversity.
- A water-filled trench will mark the transition to the burial ground and simultaneously serve as a reservoir for rainwater.
- Combat and archery ranges will be established.
- Trees will be planted based on pollen analysis from the Viking Age.
- New path systems will guide visitors between the museum, burial mound and harbor square.