MY EAST FUNEN: The Viking Museum Ladby
Guided tours and activities at Vikingemuseet Ladby
Target audience: Free and compulsory course for 4th grade for municipal schools in Kerteminde and Nyborg municipalities.
Duration: 2 hours
Maximum participants per course: 30 students with a minimum of 2 accompanying adults.
Form: Guided tour of exhibitions, the landscape, and The Ladby King’s grave. Along the way, the students’ prior knowledge and questions are used in dialogue with the museum’s educator and copies of The Ladby King’s burial gifts are used to bring the Viking Age to life. The selected activity takes place afterwards.
“The Harald who gathered the whole of Denmark” writes Harald Bluetooth on the Jelling Stone. But how was the Viking Age-Denmark before the kingdom was united? 45 years prior to Harald Bluetooth writing his name into Danish history with the Jelling Stone, a particularly powerful and wealthy king was exalted in a magnificent Viking ship in Ladby on East Funen. We do not know what the king’s name was, but we do know that his unusually distinguished burial equipment shows that a very special Viking was buried here. Who was this Funen king in Ladby? How did he live? Who did he rule over? Where was his kingdom? How did he gather power, land, and wealth? And why did he get the most magnificent Danish Viking burial we know?
Together with our Viking teacher we explore The Ladby King’s burial mound, find out which things he brought with him to the grave, and what it can tell us about his life and death. We learn how the kings of Jelling are to be understood in comparison with one of their predecessors – The Ladby King. We learn about the Viking Age society and how it resembles – and does not resemble – our own.
But we will also feel the Viking Age on our own bodies. For this, either Viking sports or Viking crafts are chosen.
The Viking King’s sports
Out on the Viking Museum’s large green area we will use our bodies and try our hand at one of the physical sports of the Viking Age. But we will have to work together as well, because in Viking times not even the king could do without his crew. And while we learn about the Vikings, we get sweat on our foreheads, red cheeks, and smiles on our faces.
The Viking King’s workshop
We need to use our hands, heads and senses to try out a Viking craft. Naturally, we use the natural materials and tools of the Viking Age. We therefore work with both a craft and a product, but also with a story about the Viking Age. For what significance did crafts have in the world of the Ladby King? What can we say about the crafts of the Viking Age – compared to today?
Teaching material
The My East Funen course is linked to a student booklet about the Viking Age, in which the students work with the topics LIFE – DEATH – FAITH – THE JOURNEY. In addition, there is a compendium with background material for teachers/educators. The material can be used by students and teachers before or after the visit to the museum.
Shared educational goals:
- Students learn about the conditions of life before they were born, and gain insight into continuity and change.
- Students are trained to use archaeological and historical sources to learn about the past.
- The students learn about their own place in history and experience their own democratic society reflected in an anti-democratic period in Danish history – the Viking Age.
Price: Free for 4th graders at municipal schools in Nyborg and Kerteminde municipalities.
Contact and booking
Contact The Viking Museum Ladby by email [email protected] or on tel: 65321667
Remember to choose activity; a physical activity – “Viking King’s Sports” or a craft activity – “Viking King’s workshop”.
- Takes place primarily in the museum’s exhibitions and out on The Ladby King’s burial mound, which is located 200 m from the museum.
- The museum is located on a 5 hectare open grass area with hills, trees, and scrub – right down to the inlet. There is plenty of space for play and fun under open air before or after the course.
- Remember to dress for the weather and a day by the water.
- The area has numerous table- and bench sets where packed lunches can be eaten.
- In the museum shop you can buy ice cream, soda, coffee / tea etc.
Additional teaching material
Here follows material that can be used for teaching.
Old games – which you could have played in the Viking Age
- 21 games for the Viking Age and the Middle Age
- The strength game: To birth a bear
- Strength- and balance game: Go to Iceland for herring
- Viking dice games: Play with “Astragaler” (small bones)
Join the Viking ship for a trip
The Vikings travelled far and wide in their ships. A ‘race for cooperation’ with Viking knowledge built-in.
Let the students be the ship’s crew and guide them through the many challenges of the trip. Can be completed in the schoolyard, on a sports field, etc. 4-10 students per. boat.
Brief overview of Nordic gods
About My East Funen
My East Funen is a collaboration between museums, municipalities and schools on East Funen, with a goal of ensuring that all children and young people from East Funen throughout their time in school gain knowledge of East Funen’s exciting cultural heritage. The courses can also be used by schools from other parts of the country.